Are you hosting a large event soon and ruling out venues where your guests will lack access to typical bathrooms? You can host your event in a location that lacks adequate bathroom facilities when you rent portable toilets that your guests can use instead.
If you are hesitant to provide your guests portable toilets instead of traditional bathrooms, then you may believe some common myths about portable toilets.
Read on to learn about four common portable toilet myths and the truth behind these misconceptions.
Myth #1: Portable Toilets Are Unsanitary
Some people are hesitant to skip the traditional bathroom and supply portable toilets to their guests due to a belief that portable toilets are simply unsanitary or covered in germs.
This is not true. How sanitary a portable toilet is depends on how well and how often it is cleaned just like a traditional toilet. A portable toilet that is cleaned regularly can be just as clean as a traditional public toilet that is cleaned on a regular basis.
In fact, studies have shown that a person is much more likely to become ill due to exposure to disease carrying
bacteria at an outdoor picnic
than they are after using a portable toilet.
When your portable toilet arrives at your venue, it will have already been sanitized and be relatively germ-free. Clean the toilet seat and interior surfaces as you would a traditional toilet on a regular basis (if your event lasts longer than one day) to keep it clean and sanitary.
Myth #2: Portable Toilets Are Difficult to Move Around
If you plan to host an event where it would be ideal to move your portable toilets around the premises as needed, then you may think that this would be an impossible task to perform on your own without using specialized equipment. The truth is that some portable toilets are difficult to move due to their size and the fact that they must be held upright at all times while being moved.
However, there are portable toilets on the market today that have wheels attached to their bases.
Portable restrooms on wheels
are much easier to move than their stationary counterparts and can be wheeled to a new location quickly and easily whenever you desire.
Myth #3: Guests Cannot Wash Their Hands After Using Portable Toilets
The idea that guests will have no way to wash their hands after using portable toilets is a common myth. While many portable toilets today are equipped with hand sanitizing stations inside of them, others are equipped with fully functional portable sinks where your guests can wash their hands with traditional soap and water.
While some germs on hands are killed by hand sanitizers, some germs are better removed from hands completely by washing them. Choose portable toilets equipped with portable sinks so guests can remove even more germs from their hands after using the toilet to help prevent spread of germs and disease at your function.
Myth #4: Portable Toilets Smell
Many people believe that all portable toilets smell bad. The truth is that well-maintained portable toilets typically do not emit foul odors.
If you choose a portable toilet that does not flush, then waste will remain in the toilet until your toilet rental professional flushes it out. However, the biocide placed in portable toilets will kill smelly bacteria, and special scented fluids placed inside the toilet bowl cover up odors that remain. If you choose a portable toilet that flushes, then you can look forward to a portable toilet that smells just as fresh as the average flushable toilet.
If are hesitant to host your event in a venue that lacks the public toilets your guests need due to misconceptions about portable toilets, then now you understand the truth behind these common myths. Contact the portable toilet experts at Gotta Go Site Services Rentals to discuss your portable toilet needs today.